Natural Hair is so much FUN! I love it more each day/week..well most of the time 🙂
Sooo, ya’ll know I always have a story, so here goes. This past Saturday was Day 20 of a 28 day NO BUY challenge that I’m participating in. So when you can’t buy, you have no choice but to go “under the sink”, and that’s exactly what happened here.
I really can’t say why I thought it was a good idea to try a “Wash n Go” at 5pm on Saturday afternoon (maybe it was the 84 degree weather) but I’m glad I did. I’ve had this same jar of Kinky Curly Curling Custard (KCCC) since August 15,2009, it was the first product I bought the day of my Big Chop, but sad to say it didn’t work……well I didn’t know how to use it for my hair until Saturday. And to think I almost threw it away……
I didn’t have any Kinky Curly Knot Today (the recommended leave-in) so I decided to try Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner and hoped for the best because KCCC is not known for being a “team player”, and I certainly didn’t want flakey dry hair. The Tresemme is not marketed as a leave-in conditioner and I’m not recommending that you leave it in, but it worked pretty well for me. I applied a little conditioner to each section on freshly washed hair, grab a glob of KCCC and raked/shingled it through my hair.
Please excuse the big cheesy grin, but I was stoked that “my hair did that”. I made sure not to touch it while it dried, the weather that evening helped a lot.
I loved the definition, softness and shine my hair had. I kept telling hubby “I can’t believe this is my hair!” He looked at me as if I was slightly looney. You have to understand….I don’t have ‘wash n go” kinda hair ya’ll…I’m a 4b/4c….
I did go to bed with slightly wet (in the roots) hair on Saturday night. All I did was put on a bonnet, got up the next morning, spritz it with cold water, shook my head and went on my way! Yes ma’am…I did a wash n go.
It’s been three days and my hair is still going strong, it’s defined and still soft. I think I’m going to rinse it out and “return it” tomorrow before the person whose hair I borrowed realizes it’s missing! 🙂
Have you ever done a wash and go? What did you use? How long did/does it last? Share your experience below.
Until next time
I do them all the time I have the same type of curls you have and I live in the wash and go style lol I use the jessicurl rich and radiant collection to define my little curls. It can last for a week. Well I make sure it lasts because I only wash my hair once a week. It is easy to detangle once I drench it in jessicurl toshea conditioner.
lol..ok. I hope it turns out great for you :0
Ok. 🙂
Sooo basically u just combined me to try this combo 🙂 I use tressemme as my cowash already anyways 🙂
I love kccc and I’ve been looking for a affordable leave in that’s moisturizing and gives definition…
I do wash and go styles all the time.. Infact that’s one of the main styles my blog is focused on.
Love your hair here!! It looks absolutely beautiful!
Thanks Freedomplease! I know exactly how you feel :0
Beautiful! I’m subbing. 🙂 I’ve recently had similar resuls with a similar combination. We have closely similar curl pattern, I believe. I was so thrilled I couldn’t believe it. Congrats!
Thanks Nicole! Let me know how it works out for you 🙂
This was great to read. I just BCed a couple days ago and have been really researching ways to bring out the curl pattern in my hair. I already have these products, and reading this give me hope that they will work for me too ;D
Thank you curlychellez 🙂
it looks great!!!
Thanks sis. I still can’t believe it turned out this well. Someone said Shea Moisture Milk with KCCC works well too but once you find something that works, it’s hard to leave it! lol.
BTW, have you heard that Knot Today and KCCC have been priced at 2.98/4.98 respectively at some Targets? I heard there might be a target nearby that might have the “deal”, I’ll let you know if I find some.
Haha….thanks sis 🙂
Oh ..and I love your “cheesy grin”
That looks amazing!!! I have to use kinky curly next time, maybe with Tressemme too. Your definition is crazyyyyyyy. I have kniky curly but decided to use eco styler because I wanted to make myself believe that I don’t need expensive products:)
Awww…thanks love. So apparently I do have Wash-n-go hair! lol. Yes, give it a try and let me know how it turns out 😉
YOUR HAIR looks ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! You DO have Wash-n-Go hair because now you know what productsand technique to use to get it :o) I haven’t tried the KCCC since my Big Chop either, but now I think I may have to dust it off and give it a try again. Thanks for sharing!
That’s awesome, Pat J. You’re welcome! I’m a PJ too, and this no buy challenge forced me too use the KCCC and it turned out pretty good! 🙂 Let me know how it turns out 🙂
lol….it really wasn’t that bad. It was pretty warm that day so the front dried pretty fast, it was just the roots that took a while to dry 🙂
Thanks dynamite360! I think the important thing is to just try out different combos to see what works best. Let me know how it works out for you :0
Thank you! 🙂
Hey Sharsimo, I had two left hands too. I just started experimenting and trying out styles and was surprised at how creative I could be. As for Wash N Go advice, this is my first time, but some people use conditioner only, conditioner under gel (like i did) or just gel and them add a little oil on top to prevent crunchy hair.
I think the important thing is to try out different combos to see what works best for you..oh and it seems to work best on soaking wet hair. Also, to prevent frizz, try not to touch your hair until it dries completely. Hope this helps 🙂
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!! Ok, just had to get that out:-) I was natural for 18 months, got frustrated and did the BC again in January of this year. My hair has been growing nicely, but I was so over this TWA and was struggling with how/what/when to do with this hair. I am am recovering product junkie and have so much product in my house I don’t need to buy anymore at least a year…LOL. I used the Tressmme when I natural the first time and it never occurred to me to use it with the Kinky Curly for fear of the white flakes. I read your blog at work this morning and couldn’t wait to get home. No sooner than I ran in the door, I grabbed both and hit the kitchen sink. So far, so good. My hair is a about 3 inches in length now, I can’t wait until it reaches the length of yours so I can get the full effect.
How did you deal with wet hair touching your forehead?
I’m about to take ot my Weave and have been growig my hair for over a year. Got me a big ‘Fro under this weave and don’t want to weave again. I’ve tried Tree Braiding Weaving since about Oct 2010 with some wigs thrown in for good measure.
I’m ready to wear my own hair but have 2 left hands when it comes to creativity. Would love to try Wash n Go. Any ideas out there?
your hair looks gorgeous.. i just got me some of the knot today leave in and the custard.. i used it yesterday on a braid out and i didn’t get the desired results because i think using the spritz caused my hair to be extra dry w/white stuff in my hair.. but i’m going to try the wash n go tomorrow… wish me luck..
Thanks BeuLuv! I’m a newbie at Wash n Go’s so I have lots of experimenting to do 🙂
No need in apologizing for the cheesy smile, it turned out great! I have the knot today and love it, but never tried the curling custard. I do wash and goes all the time I have a few shampoos and conditioners that I use I get a different curl with each one.lol
Aww…thanks Yemi. You’re too kind. I guess it’s one of those things you kinda “happen upon”. I plan on trying the Shea Moisture milk underneath next because I don;t want to make it a habit of leaving in the Tresemme 🙂
Thanks Mangomadness, I didn’t use any tools, just my fingers. I’m actually in a finger detangling/no tools challenge 🙂
Thanks LaWanda. Well this is my first wash n go so I have nothing to compare it with but I think it;s a keeper. 🙂
Thank you Shelley Weldon! Yes, try it and let me know if it works for you 🙂
You look AWESOME! the TreSemme and KCCC worked really well! love the look and definitely one to try, once again thanks for sharing.
Did you use a comb or brush for this wash-n-go? If so, which specific one?
I like it! I just did a WnG using wetline gel, I am on 3rd day loving it. I had not been able to get a nice look since my hair got some length, but this is great.
love the results you have…i will try this combo. thinking of throwing out my KCCC too. but i will give it one last try. thanks!!!!!