It has been hard for me to focus and write about anything in the last week and a half. I’m sure many of you reading this can relate as well. The shootings of Alton Sterling & Philando Castle back to back, the shooting of the 5 Dallas police officers, and the general unrest in the country was definitely taking a toll on me. By nature, I’m very empathetic so I tend to “feel” a lot. If you’re on any of my VIP lists 🙂 , you got my mini “care note” about the recent events last. I must say that I was (pleasantly) overwhelmed by the outpouring of responses I have received.
In this post , I wanted to share a 5 ways to cope in times like these when there is turmoil all around.
1) UNPLUG from Social Media
You’ve probably seen this recommendation a lot in the last few weeks, but it is so necessary especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed. I found myself consuming too many of the details, comments, posts, VIDEOS and everything that was happening…over and over. My emotions were all over the place. I felt angry, sad, heartbroken and a little bit of fear. I had to unplug for bit because I needed a break. Don’t be afraid to unplug if you need to.
Related: Why I Unplug from Social Media
2) Get outside and get some fresh air
Even though I had unplugged from social media a bit, as a Dallas resident, I found myself glued to the TV after the shootings. It was all unfolding live on TV so of course, I watched. By the next day, I knew I had to take unplugging a bit further. Because I work from home, I made it my duty to get outside. I needed time to decompress, to think, to get some fresh air, to pray! Self-care was essential.
Related: Self-Care: 4 Easy Ways To Take Care of You
3) Pray/Meditate
As a Christian, prayer is an important part of my life. I shared on Instagram and on my email VIP list, that I know that “God has not given us a spirit of fear….” However, I would be dishonest if I said I didn’t feel a bit of fear…especially for my husband as a black man, as he went off to work each day. I had to get my emotions in check because I cannot and will not allow the fear of “what if” cripple me.
4) Talk about your feelings/Get help
If you feel like you need to talk to someone or you’re having trouble coping, reach out for help. Last week I found myself sad, in tears and unable to focus. I called one of my friends just to talk, cry and get it all out. It definitely helped. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you feel like you need it.
5) Keep moving forward

With TheNaturalCole & TexturedTalk
Last weekend I attended the finale brunch of the DallasTexturedHairMarketplace. Of course, the brunch was planned way before any of this happened, but here in Dallas there was so much going on and many persons were still a bit uneasy. I’m really happy that the brunch was not cancelled because it was exactly what we needed to help lift our spirits a bit. Although the recent events are weighing heavily on all of us, we kept going. It doesn’t make you an uncaring person if you keep going.
After all, you can’t help effect change or be part of the solution if you don’t keep going. Go at your own pace, but keep going. As an entrepreneur, it was definitely tough to focus on selling your products and services, when unrest is happening around you. Take breaks, go slower if you must, then
This weekend I’m headed to DC to speak at Blogging While Brown. I’m really excited because this Saturday I’ll also be celebrating my 5th “Blogiversary” as well.
Read Also: Reflections on 5 Years of Blogging + Advice for New & Aspiring Bloggers
I hope you are all doing well.
YOUR TURN: What methods do you use to cope in times like these?
Girl…I definitely did some unplugging, and I haven’t watched any of the videos circulating. These were some great tips and reminders, especially the bit about the “keep going”. Happy 5th Blogaversary, looking forward to celebrating 5+ more with you!
Hey Christine, a bit tardy, but thank you.
I was in a bit of a funk and unable to write. I’ve gotten my mojo back together but it was tough. I did a slight disconnect from social media. I didn’t watch hours and hours of the news like I sometimes do.
I believe in curling up on the sofa and watching the DVR in the name of sanity.
Yes I definitely had to limit my TV time as well. It was just too much.
Such great tips for handling everything that we’ve been seeing lately. I love going on walks by the lake or stream. That helps me stay grounded.
Yes, the lake is so calming.