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 It’s been 17 days since I’ve had these mini twists in, and I’ve been itching (not literally) to take them down. I’ve mostly been wearing them pinned up like I did here. On Friday I decided to steam them after  cleaning my scalp with Witch Hazel and a Q-tip, and that seemed to revive them a bit, but I’m still kinda bored with them.

 I decided that I would keep them until this coming weekend, so I did a rod set using Design Essentials Curl Enhancing Mousse. I don’t know about “curl enhancing”, but it did a great job of setting the twists and it didn’t leave my hair feeling sticky or “producty”.

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 Last night I posted a pic of my hair with the rods on Facebook, and someone commented that they got “Grandma Curls” when they attempted this style. I chuckled a little because I knew exactly what she meant. Well, this morning I had my very own set of Grandma curls….tight and curly.  After lots of shaking, fluffing and pulling, I was able to leave the house looking more like Curly Sue….at least that’s what hubby says I look like 🙂

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I am very pleased with the results and I intend to wear it like this for the entire week. I may even do another rod set so that I can leave them in for 4 weeks as I originally intended. They are getting fuzzy especially around the edges, but that’s an easy fix. My scalp has not itched once! Is this “her” way of telling me she doesn’t like to be washed so often????

What’s your favorite way to style mini twists? Feel free to share below

Until next time



  1. September 18, 2012 / 8:28 AM

    I am going to be a copycat on this one sis. Lovely!!

  2. September 17, 2012 / 7:11 PM

    lol…girl yes, that’s what he said. Thanks sis. I’m kinda glad too! I know my hair likes being “left alone” 🙂

  3. Shakara
    September 16, 2012 / 10:41 PM

    Curly Sue! LOL Looks great Vee!!!! And so glad you are leaving them in for 4 weeks! Beautiful.

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