Bawse Lady – The Lip Bar
Becoming – Michelle Obama
Bawse Lady – The Lip Bar
Becoming – Michelle Obama

How to: Creamy Flaxseed Gel

Ever since I gave up my Eco-styler gel, I’ve been in love with Flaxseed gel. It’s natural and is also full of Omega 3 which is great for your insides as well as you hair. It’s super easy to make and provides a soft -medium hold. I’ve used flaxseed gel to do twists, twists out and the “tame” my edges…
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Pipe Cleaner Curls on Mini Twists

This past weekend I washed my mini-twists because……well truth be told I wanted to use my Bobeam Shampoo bar again 🙂 Plus my twists had been in for a week and a half. After washing with my Bobeam shampoo bar (I used the Cheris Hibiscus bar), my hair felt so soft. I deep conditioned, applied a leave-in, sealed and allowed…
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DIY: Green Tea/Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

   Ok, so we all know the routine : CLEANSE (EXFOLIATE), TONE and MOISTURIZE! But what do you do when you beloved toner runs out? Well you could buy some more or if you like to experiment (and save money) like me, you make your own 🙂  There’s no doubt that I LOVED my THAYERS WITCH HAZEL TONER! This stuff…
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It’s Mini-Twists Season :)

It’s that time of year again! Ok..scratch that…… it’s always mini-twist season for me! I love twists in general but the mini ones gives soooo many styling options. These make a great protective style as the weather begins to cool down 🙂 I did my twists on dry hair (stretched overnight) using Qhemet Biologics Amla and Olive Heavy Cream! Hmmm…..let…
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Ayurvedic Care:Henna Gloss

As part of my Ayurvedic regimen, I’ve been doing Henna Glosses. My last (second) gloss in late August but I’ve since done a Cassia treatment so no worries 🙂 Benefits of HennaHenna is used to strenghten, thicken and/or color the hair. It is a great conditioning agent and is wonderful for overall scalp health. Henna will colour light hair auburn…
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Bobeam Natural Hair Products: Best Customer Service EVER!

When something is GOOD, I like to say so! After reading a few reviews, I decided to purchase some shampoo bars. My Shea Moisture Moisture Retention Shampoo is down to the last drop (we’ve used it since last November) and I wanted to try something new. I only shampoo my hair about twice per month (I mostly co-wash) but we NEEDED…
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