THE LEAST. These two words which perfectly describe exactly what I’ve been doing with my hair. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my hair hasn’t been high on my priority list as I’m currently focused on growing other parts of my business. BUT, I still needed to do something with my hair. Enter the KinkyCurlyYaki Afro Curly Upart Wig. Outside of one random wig I bought at the beauty supply store a few years ago, and two other crochet wigs I made, this is my first *real* wig.
This isn’t my first set of hair from KinkyCurlyYaki as I’ve had their clip-ins for well over a year, and absolutely love them. Wigs are fairly new territory for me, so I wanted to share it with you.
REAL ALSO: Best Clip Ins for Type 4 Hair:KinkyCurlyYaki Afro Coily Clips
I received the 16″ Afro Kinky Curly Upart Wig as pictured above. Like the clip-ins, the wigs are human hair and come in a natural brown color. Just like I did with the clip-ins, I dyed the hair to match my hair, conditioned it and brushed out the curls. The photo below shows what it looks like after it was dyed.
Since shaping hair isn’t something I’m great at, and I didn’t want to mess up the wig, I had a local stylist add some shape and a few layers to the wig. I absolutely LOVE this KinkyCurlyYaki Upart wig. I was a little concerned about the blending since my hair is a considerably shorter than the wig, but that really wasn’t an issue.

Like my sweatshirt? It’s available on Ven & Rose
Since I received it a little over 3 weeks ago, I’ve practically worn it every time I leave the house, and as we move into full-blown winter, I know it will be my go-to protective style. Someone will literally have to snatch it off my head for me to stop wearing it 😉
I’m really loving this new adventure with wigs so I’ll take you along as I experiment. I may even work up the courage to try a Lacefront wig next :).
I actually recorded a video showing how I blend my hair with the wig, but I had to toss it because I had white flakes (from the product used to twist my hair) all over. Since everything is better in HD, the flakes were too, so it was a no-go. I will try to rerecord it soon, but for now, this wig is saving me lots of time.
If you’re in the market for a wig, I highly recommend this one if you prefer a kinkier texture. KinkyCurlyYaki also carries straight wigs as Uparts as well as Lace fronts, and of course clip-ins. If you decide to make a purchase use my code “VEEPEEJAY” to save.
YOUR TURN: Are you a fan of wigs? Do you have a favorite?