You served me well for the short time you were around.
I tried to keep my scalp clean and make sure my hair would be ok after you were gone.

You blew in the wind and people thought you were mine. Yes, Crochet braids with Marley Hair, I loved you but when my scalp started to get sore, and I began seeing white bulbs by my edges….you had to go.
I can’t put all the blame on you, since I braided my own hair. The fact that I installed you only two days after your predecessor might have something to do with the soreness, but as much as I loved you, it’s time to part ways because I need my edges. ‘Til we meet again……

Yes y’all, I removed them. I have a good amount of shed hair which is kinda odd since I last detangled a little under two weeks ago. It is quite possible that my hair is in the shedding phase..shrugs.

I’m about to give my hair some TLC and twist her up. I think I’ll go back to twisted updo’s for a bit.

Until tomorrow


  1. Melly Belly
    February 10, 2014 / 11:35 PM

    Next time, instead of braiding cornrows, try flat twisting them. that way, there won’t be much tightness and your hair won’t pull from the root.

    I have them in right now (installed yesterday) and there is no soreness.

    Hopefully that helps!

  2. August 20, 2013 / 9:37 PM

    Ooh, I’m sure that would look great. I’ll definitely be looking out for the deets/video.

  3. August 20, 2013 / 8:13 PM

    I’m thinking about trying this by cornrowing my baby locs! You know I’ll keep you posted!

  4. August 20, 2013 / 6:16 PM

    Thank you. I liked it too, but I couldn’t stand the sore scalp and I need my edges :p

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