For the past 10 days, I’ve been wearing my hair in twists, like I do the majority of the time. Twists just fit my lifestyle better at this point. For the first 7 days I wore them in a bun. It was quick, easy and fuss free. I used a “bun enhancer” that I got from Sally’s to give my bun a fuller look.

Over the weekend, I took down the bun, and literally pinned my hair up with two large bobby pins, and did a fold in the front. I just felt like changing it up a bit.
Speaking of changes, tomorrow I have my first salon appointment in over 3 years! I’m so excited! Like “I don’t know what to do with myself” excited. It will just be nice to have someone else do my hair for a change. I’m am in DESPERATE need of a good trim, so I’m at least having that done. Stay tuned…….
What has your hair been up to lately? Feel free to share below
Until next time
Thank you sis. 🙂
Every time I see your hair in twists I want to put mine in some as well. But I have to remember that they do not work for me. I just love your rich texture:)
Thank you so much for your support! Go for it and let me know when it’s all setup so I can follow 😉
I just found your blog while googling about natural hair. I am in love with your blog. You have inspired me to start one. I love your hair and we have similar textures so you’re my hair twin 🙂 I’m your new follower
Thank you so much Geri, you got some gorgeous tresses yourself. Hehe..those are my own kinky twists. I get that a lot 🙂
I just love your hair texture, Vee. It’s so shiny and strong looking. I really thought that the first picture were kinky twists with added hair.