The Truth IsThe truth is I haven’t been *consistent* about posting on the blog in the last month or so. I usually aim for 3 posts a week here on VeePeeJay but during the last few weeks, that just was not happening.

The truth is….I gave myself permission to go at my own pace.

The truth is….I was suffering from a major case of “blogger burnout”.

The truth is….I was feeling a bit uninspired.

The truth is…I gave myself permission to take care of me and LIVE.

The truth is….I was doing a lot of introspection, and really needed to focus on those things that “set my soul on fire”.

The truth is….sometimes it’s hard to balance it all, so I had to prioritize.

The truth is….I am human.

It honestly feels like just a few weeks ago, yes I said weeks, that it was November 2014, now here we are in November 2015. Time goes by quickly, and if you’re not careful and intentional about how you spend your time, you can find yourself at the same spot you were in a year ago. I definitely was not going to let that happen.

So what have I been up to while I was “away”? If you follow me on social media, especially Instagram, you will know that October was like a whirlwind month for me. For starters, my husband and I celebrated our 8th wedding Anniversary.

Soon after that I attended the Steve Harvey SOAR Retreat in Miami. The Retreat was AMAZING and really reconfirmed a lot of things for me. (Read my recap)

As soon I got back from Miami it was time for the Bella Kinks DFW Natural Hair Expo weekend.

veepeejay-bella-kinks-dfw-expoIn addition to having an amazing time at  the Expo, I hosted my first solo blogging workshop. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to help these amazing ladies along their blogging journey. I really focused on delivering lots of value to the attendees, so making sure I was well prepared was top priority for me.

veepeejay-blogging-workshop-dallasI also had my first official vending opportunity for my Apparel Line Ven & Rose. I was so stoked to share this project that was in my head (for a long time) and then online for the past two months, with so many people “in real life”.
I felt so honored to have my friend Christy, who I met via social media as my assistant for the Expo. Be sure to follow the page on Instagram @venandrose to stay up to date on sales and updates 😉


The truth is….life is happening.

So the folks over at BlogHer are having “NaBloPoMo” which stands for National Blog Posting Month. The idea is to post every day for 30 days. I think this is a great way to get back into the groove, and to dust off some of those draft posts. We’ll see how that goes because I’m already 2 days behind 😉


“Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.” — Chinese proverb

YOUR TURN: What have you been up to lately? 



  1. November 3, 2015 / 10:08 PM

    The truth is unless you LIVE life, you will have nothing worth blogging about. Welcome!

    • November 3, 2015 / 10:32 PM

      YES! I could not have put it any better. Thanks LaShawn.

  2. November 3, 2015 / 6:51 PM

    I’ve been up to being a mom lately LOL! So you know I feel you on having to prioritize! 😉 I did notice you were a bit MIA but no wonder. We understand. Was excited to see you hosting your first workshop. Would have loved to have been there.

    • November 3, 2015 / 10:32 PM

      LOL…that in itself is a full time JOB so I admire you for even showing up on social media Toia. Thanks girl it was a lot fun and very rewarding 🙂

  3. Arnebya
    November 3, 2015 / 11:33 AM

    Wow. Your October was busy! And fabulous! Congratulations on all of it, and happy anniversary. It’s ok to live.

    • November 3, 2015 / 1:54 PM

      Yes it is! Thank you so much 🙂

  4. MJ
    November 2, 2015 / 10:50 PM

    The truth is you are inspiring and I’m so happy you took this time to reflect, love, give yourself to your purpose and grow.

    • November 2, 2015 / 11:03 PM

      Aww…you are ALWAYS so supportive and I love you for that MJ. Thank you so much <3

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