Exactly one week ago today (August 15th), I was three years post Big chop (BC). Notice I didn’t say “three years natural” because if you’ve read this post you would know that it’s been an interesting road to say the least. I’ve never really celebrated my BC anniversary or done comparison length checks because I’m sort of an anomaly. Again, if you’ve seen my “Why I went natural” vid from about a year ago, you’ll know that I kept my hair short for the first few months, got a texturizer about 4 months in, snipped that off as it grew out and just kinda went with the flow.

For that reason, together with the fact that I’m EXTREMELY in love with the scissors, I do not have “3 years worth of hair” on my head, so I tend shy away from doing official length checks.  I get lots of questions on my facebook page about “how long you’ve been natural?” and comments such as “I can’t wait till my 1, 2,3 year mark etc”. I have absolutely no problems with those questions/comments, but I’m aware that sometimes people use others hair growth as a guide to what theirs could possibly look like, and I really don’t want to mislead anyone. However, I cannot stress enough that everyone’s hair is different so yours may be longer or shorter than mine even if we been natural for the same length of time.

April 2012. My Hair was in a Wash N Go.
I will say that I am extremely happy with my hair growth, because despite all the twists and turns, it has already grown the longest it has even grown in my entire life. However, as I always say, healthy hair will always be my goal, so if I see a split end, a single strand knot, or if I don’t like the shape, I WILL snip/cut it (like I did here). 🙂 To quote my friend Shakara Natural Tips, “I want my hair to be healthy from root to tip”.
This past three years has truly been a journey, as I’ve discovered a pot of creative juices that I didn’t even know I had….I call them “hidden talents”. I’ve also met and made lots of new friends, gained sisters and done things that I probably would not have done/experienced had I not been natural, case in point, the “Girls Rocking Natural Photoshoot”. This was so much fun! 

I really LOVE my hair and how versatile it is/can be! It is really “me” and it has given me a different type of confidence, if that makes sense. My plan is to just continue to take care of it, while experimenting with different styles, because as you know I get bored very easily. I will try to leave the scissors alone, or should I say I won’t do any unnecessary cutting. I’ve never really had a hair goal per se, but having my hair (all around) reach shoulder length in it’s shrunken state will be pretty cool. I’m in no rush though…… ☺

How has your natural hair journey been so far? I’d love to hear your experiences.

Until next time


  1. August 22, 2012 / 11:30 PM

    Aww….thank you Yemi. You are a very good friend to me too, I appreciate you ♥

  2. ShakaraNaturalTips
    August 22, 2012 / 11:13 PM

    Aww you know you’re my inspiration right! and a very good friend too! Awesome length and amazingly healthy hair….another awesome post <3 <3 <3

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