Fear (and its cousins doubt & self-sabotage) are three subject areas I am very familiar with. I have been very transparent here on the blog about my struggles with my fear of failing.
Fear is a normal human emotion that we all experience. In some instances, the fact that we can feel fear keeps us safe from potentially dangerous situations. In other situations, we can be so crippled by fear that we don’t even act, but instead, we choose to remain in our comfort zones. That’s the type of fear I kick in the face (or the tush) daily.
READ ALSO: I went Parasailing and I didn’t die. What I learned from conquering my fear.
My friend Diana of SisterswithBeauty.com invited me to part of her Periscope party to share #mybutterflytransition and I got rid of fear, doubt, and self-sabotage to achieve my goals. The party was super fun and we each shared our stories of kicking fear in the tush.
The “Pass The Sister Scope” included Julian B. Kiganda, Christine of MomsNCharge, Jonna of NaturallyGlam, Tanya of Real Wife Coach, and Grammy Award nominated singer Carolyn Malachi.
Check out the video below to see how I got rid of fear, doubt, and self-sabotage to achieve my goals.
YOUR TURN: How do you overcome your fears? Let’s chat in the comments.