Happy Thursday everyone.
I know we say this at the beginning of every month, but can you believe it’s August already?
Anyway, I realized a few days ago that I’ve been blogging for 2 years as of July 15th. How could I forget my “blogaversary” you ask? Honestly, I’ve been kinda stuck in a tiny rut for a bit. It happens to everyone at some point, and I was working behind the scenes to refocus and come up with fresh, new (different) content.
I saw this blog challenge on Instagram and I immediately knew it was something I wanted to do. It will be a great way to challenge myself creatively and to publish many of those “draft” posts that I’ve done.
The basis of the challenge is to write/post a new entry to your blog everyday. I think preparation, time management and scheduling will be key to me completing this challenge but I’m at least willing to give it a go.
To see more details about to challenge and to possibly join in, check out AwesomelyLuvvie’s post.
I’m counting this post as my Day 1 post 😉 Stay tuned for more.
Until next time