Many have been raving about the Camille Rose products especially the Almond Jai and Curl Maker products. But until now I had been a Camille Rose virgin. Reading an article on Janell Stephens, owner of Camille Rose Naturals, I discovered that they had just added a new collection – the Coconut Water line. I was intrigued and thought … time to pop that cherry so I ordered the “Coconut Water Style Setter” online.

Check out the results + a bonus twist out tutorial in the video. I was in love! Moisture for days as I didn’t have to add any moisture (water or additional product) to my hair for up to 4days. I should, however, mention that re-twisting old dry hair did not give me the same awesome moisturized mane with sheen. I will reserve this product for fresh clean hair days because the moisture, definition and luster is to die for!
Watch the Camille Rose Naturals Coconut Water Style Setter in action!
Catch up with Tina (MissT1806) and follow her on INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE
YOUR TURN: Have you tried the Coconut Water Style Setter? What new products have you tried lately?
My niece introduced me to Camille Rose. After trying so many products on my daughter, Camille Rose wins. She is a mini 4C and her hair is responding well to the collection. My mom also loves Camille Rose for her 4C tresses. I will be trying it on my hair too. We will have to check out the coconut water style setter.
I haven’t tried Camille Rose Natural yet because I’m trying to use what I have. I may buy some anyway.
Your hair looks beautiful! I’ve seen that product in Target and have been curious.
Your hair looks amazing! I will definitely think about this product when I go natural. It looks so moisturized and bouncy!
Wow, this style looks great! I definitely plan to order the product. I also appreciate the Twist-Out tutorial. The tip about extra twisting of the hair was helpful. Thanks for posting.
I love the curls! It looks so defined and moisturized/hydrated!!!
your hair looks fabulous and I haven’t heard of this product but I will definitely look into it!
I love these posts because I’m the one standing on the hair care aisle feeling overwhelmed. Unfortunately hair is not my forte but I feel compelled to try this out. Thanks for the video! 🙂