I am an AT&T Influencer and I received compensation for this post. All opinions are my own. 

Earlier this week I was making a late night scroll through my Facebook feed and saw a post from my friend Amber of TalktoAmber.com. She had recently started a podcast and just uploaded her second episode. The title of the podcast caught my attention so I decided to listen. It was short podcast which touched on the fact that so many people are delaying your God-given destiny due to fear and other factors. I knew I was meant to hear that podcast because earlier that day I was having a conversation with my husband about my next business move. In a nutshell, I was a little nervous to pull the trigger on my next project.

In less than 10 minutes I was able to get some inspiration, and in many ways confirmation, from Amber’s podcast.

I decided to tweet out this take away that inspired me. If you’re familiar with the story of the Israelite’s journey to from Egypt to Canaan, the tweet was referencing the fact that a journey that should have taken 11 days took them 40 years.

Mobile inspiration definitely makes the world a better place and at any moment you can search AT&T’s #InspiredMobility hashtag and find inspiration to help you get you through a tough time, brighten up your day, or remind you that you are not alone.
72% SnackBack in August, AT&T released the results of a study which found that 72% of respondents said that accessing inspiration online makes the world a better place.

READ ALSO: Why I use my Platform to share inspiration. 

This week has been another tough one with 2 more black men being murdered. I don’t know about you, but I can do with some positivity. Thanks to AT&T, we can get just that this Sunday during the Social Media Sunday Twitter chat.

My friend Elle 0f @CleverlyChangin & I will be co-hosting the chat with AT&T’s Mobility Expert Jason Caston of @iChurchMethod. Join us this Sunday, September 25th from 2-3pm CST for the chat.
We will also be giving away 5 Inspired Mobility prize packs.

Participating in the Chat is super easy.
Follow: @VeePeeJay1 | @CleverChangin | @iChurchMethod
Join us on Sunday (2pm CST) and join in the chat.
Use #SMS16 & #InspiredMobility on all your tweets to share you inspiration

In the meantime, check out this short AT&T Inspired Mobility research announcement.

YOUR TURN: Has mobile inspiration made your life better in any way? 




  1. Tyra
    September 27, 2016 / 11:20 PM

    That is a great tweet! There are things that I have been putting off for way too long so I need to just get to it!

  2. Holly
    September 26, 2016 / 11:16 AM

    Great tweet. Always enjoy something that is inspiring.

  3. September 24, 2016 / 9:58 AM

    Love that quote! Sounds like I should turn into this twitter chat.

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